How to Install and Use PostgreSQL on FreeBSD 14

In this article, I will teach you how to install and use PostgreSQL on FreeBSD 14 server. My purpose is not only to show you the PostgreSQL installation but also to teach you basic configuration and operations related to PostgreSQL.

So here you will also learn how to enable password authentication in PostgreSQL, set up a password for user postgres, then learn basic PostgreSQL queries for creating users, databases, tables, and basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations.

Without further ado, let’s get started!


Before you continue, ensure you have access to:

Installing PostgreSQL on FreeBSD

On FreeBSD, you can easily install PostgreSQL via package index or repository. As I write this, the FreeBSD 14 repository provides multiple versions of the PostgreSQL server, including PostgreSQL 16, 15, and 14.

Follow these steps to install PostgreSQL on your FreeBSD system:

1. To get started, update your FreeBSD package index using the following command:

pkg update

2. Now run the pkg command below to install PostgreSQL and input y to proceed with the installation.

# Installing PostgreSQL 16
pkg install postgresql16-server postgresql16-client postgresql16-contrib

# Installing PostgreSQL 15
pkg install postgresql15-server postgresql15-client postgresql15-contrib

# Installing PostgreSQL 14
pkg install postgresql14-server postgresql14-client postgresql14-contrib
Installing PostgreSQL 16 on FreeBSD
Installing PostgreSQL 16 on FreeBSD

3. After you’ve installed PostgreSQL, open the /etc/login.conf using vim.

vim /etc/login.conf

Add the following configuration to the bottom of the line to create a new login class for user postgres.


Save and exit the file when finished.

4. Now run the cap_mkdb command below to take effect by regenerating the login class database.

cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf

5. Then, run the following command to enable the postgressql service and set up the default login class postgres for your PostgreSQL server.

sysrc postgresql_enable="YES"
sysrc postgresql_login_class="postgres"

6. Next, run the command below to ensure that PostgreSQL is enabled and verify the default login class.

sysrc -a | grep postgresql

If PostgreSQL is enabled, you will see the following output. Also, you can see postgres is the default PostgreSQL login class.

Enable and verify PostgreSQL service
Enable and verify PostgreSQL service

7. Lastly, run the command below to initialize the PostgreSQL database and configuration. The default data directory for PostgreSQL should be located in the /var/db/postgres/data16 directory.

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb

You’ll encounter the following output:

Initializing PostgreSQL data and configurations
Initializing PostgreSQL data and configurations

Managing PostgreSQL Service on FreeBSD

After you’ve installed and initialized the PostgreSQL database and data directory, let’s start the postgresql service by performing the following tasks:

1. Run the command below to start the postgresql service.

service postgresql start

2. Once postgresql starts, run the following command to verify it. This will show you the PID (Process ID) of the PostgreSQL service.

service postgresql status
Start and verify PostgreSQL service status
Start and verify PostgreSQL service status

3. When you need to stop the postgressql service, use the command below:

service postgresql stop

4. To restart the postgresql, run the following command. Execute this command after making changes to the PostgreSQL server configuration.

service postgresql restart

5. Lastly, run the sockstat command below to verify port 5432, which is the default PostgreSQL server port.

sockstat -4 | grep 5432

Here’s the similar output that will be displayed:

Checking PostgreSQL port 5432
Checking PostgreSQL port 5432

PostgreSQL Configuration Files and Directory

Now that you’ve PostgreSQL running, take a look at some PostgreSQL configuration files and directories below:

  • /var/db/postgres/data16: This is the default data directory for the PostgreSQL server on FreeBSD. The data16 directory name may be different from yours, depending on the PostgreSQL version.
  • /var/db/postgres/data16/postgresql.conf: The main configuration for the PostgreSQL server. This includes such as listen address, port, and max_connections.
  • /var/db/postgres/data16/pg_hba.conf: The default authentication methods for PostgreSQL users. For local users, you can use the peer or trust authentication method. As for remote users, you can use password authentication scram-sha-256.

Setting Up Password for PostgreSQL User

Setting up passwords for user postgres is important to prevent unauthorized access to your database. Complete the following actions to set up password for the postgres user:

1. First, run the command below to access the psql or PostgreSQL interactive shell. The psql is a command line interface for the PostgreSQL server.

su -m postgres -c psql

Once connected, your prompt will become such as postgres=>, which confirms that you’re connected to the database postgres.

2. Now run the ALTER ROLE query below to create a password for the default user postgres. Be sure to change the password NewPasswordPostgres in this query.

ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD 'NewPasswordPostgres';

3. Then run the following query to check available users in PostgreSQL. You’ll be presented with the default postgres user in your PostgreSQL server.

# display list users

# display list users from pg_user
SELECT * FROM pg_user;

4. Type \q to exit from the PostgreSQL interactive shell.

Setting up password for the postgres user
Setting up password for the postgres user

Setting Up Password Authentication in PostgreSQL

After you’ve configured the password for postgres user, let’s enable and verify password authentication in your PostgreSQL server.

Here’s how to enable and verify password authentication in PostgreSQL:

1. Open the default PostgreSQL configuration /var/db/postgres/data16/postgresql.conf using vim.

vim /var/db/postgres/data16/postgresql.conf

Uncomment the password_encryption = scram-sha-256 parameter to enable password authentication via scram-sha-256.

password_encryption = scram-sha-256

Save and exit the file when finished.

2. Now open the /var/db/postgres/data16/pg_hba.conf configuration using `vim.

vim /var/db/postgres/data16/pg_hba.conf

Change the default authentication for localhost or to scram-sha-256.

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               scram-sha-256
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 scram-sha-256

Save the file and exit the editor when you’re done.

3. Next, run the following service command to restart the postgresql service and take effects.

service postgresql restart

4. With the PostgreSQL authentication enabled, let’s verify your configuration.

Run the following command to log in to PostgreSQL via user postgres. Be sure to input your postgres password when prompted.

su -m postgres -c "psql -h localhost -U postgres"

5. Once logged in, execute the \conninfo query below to verify your connection status to PostgreSQL.


The output shows that you’ve connected to PostgreSQL server localhost to the database postgres via user postgres with password authentication.

Verifying PostgreSQL authentication
Verifying PostgreSQL authentication

Creating a User in PostgreSQL

Before proceeding, ensure you’re still in the psql interactive shell. Because you will learn how to create a user in the PostgreSQL server.

Proceed with the following actions to PostgreSQL users for your applications:

1. Run the CREATE ROLE query below to create a new user in PostgreSQL. In this case, you’ll create a new user alice with the password PasswordAlice.


2. Now run the following query to permit user alice to create a database with the CREATEDB attribute.


3. Next, run the \du or display user query below to verify the list of users on PostgreSQL, the exit from the psql.

# display list users

# exit from psql shell

The output below confirms that you’ve created a user alice with the privilege CREATEDB.

Creating user in PostgreSQL
Creating user in PostgreSQL

4. Next, run the command below to connect to the PostgreSQL as the new user alice. Input your password when prompted.

su -m postgres -c "psql -h localhost -d postgres -U alice"

5. Once logged in, verify your connection using the following query.


The output below reveals that you’ve connected to the database postgres as a user alice.

Logging in to PostgreSQL as specific user
Logging in to PostgreSQL as specific user

Creating Database in PostgreSQL

Now that you’ve created a PostgreSQL user, let’s create new databases in the PostgreSQL server.

Take these actions to create new databases in PostgreSQL and learn how to connect and navigate to your database:

1. Run the CREATE DATABASE query below to create new databases alice and appdb in PostgreSQL. In this example, both databases will have the same owner user alice.


2. Once you’ve created databases, run the \l or list query below to show the list of databases on PostgreSQL. You should see databases alice and appdb is available.

3. Now type \q to quit and exit from the psql.

Creating and listing databases in PostgreSQL
Creating and listing databases in PostgreSQL

4. Next, run the command below to connect to the PostgreSQL server as user alice to the specific database alice. Input the password for user alice when asked.

su -m postgres -c "psql -h localhost -d alice -U alice"

5. Once connected, verify your connection using the following query.


As seen in the following, you’re connected to the database alice with the PostgreSQL user alice.

Logging in to PostgreSQL server via specific user to specific database
Logging in to PostgreSQL server via specific user to specific database

6. Lastly, you can use the \c DBNAME or \connect DBNAME query to switch between databases in PostgreSQL.

# connect to database appdb
\connect appdb

# or use this shorter query
\c appdb

In the psql prompt, you can see your current working databases – appdb=> means that you’re working in the appdb database, and alice=> means you’re working in the database alice.

Switching to different database in PostgreSQL
Switching to different database in PostgreSQL

Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) Operations in PostgreSQL

Having the PostgreSQL user and database ready, let’s learn basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations in PostgreSQL through these tasks:

Before you start, be sure you’re connected to the appdb database. Or you can execute the query: \c appdb to connect to the appdb.

Creating Table in PostgreSQL

1. To create a table in PostgreSQL, run the CREATE TABLE query below. In this example, you will create a new table users with columns id, name, age, and site.

   name           TEXT    NOT NULL,
   age            INT     NOT NULL,
   site          TEXT    NOT NULL
Creating table in PostgreSQL
Creating table in PostgreSQL

2. Now run the \d query below to show tables in your current database. Or \d TABLENAME query to show the list columns in your table.

# listing tables in database PostgreSQL

# describe table users - listing columns
\d users

Here you can see the table users is available on the database appdb. And within table users, you can see columns id, name, age, and site.

Listing and describing table in PostgreSQL
Listing and describing table in PostgreSQL

Insert and Retrieve Data in PostgreSQL

1. Run the INSERT query below to add new data to the table users. In this example, you will add two different data separated with commas.

INSERT INTO users(id, name, age, site)
VALUES (1, 'david', 18, ''), (2, 'joana', 20, '');
Insert data to PostgreSQL via INSERT query
Insert data to PostgreSQL via INSERT query

2. After adding new data, run the SELECT query below to retrieve your data from table users.

SELECT * FROM users;
Retrieve data in PostgreSQL
Retrieve data in PostgreSQL

3. Additionally, you can also specify the column name within your SELECT query like his:

SELECT name, site FROM users;
Retrieve data from specific columns in PostgreSQL
Retrieve data from specific columns in PostgreSQL

Update and Delete Data in PostgreSQL

1. Run the UPDATE query below to update the current value in the column age for the name david to 25. The WHERE filter allows you to specify target data to a specific column.

UPDATE users
SET age = 25
WHERE name = 'david';

2. Now run the SELECT query below to verify data for the name david.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'david';

As seen below, the age column has been updated to 25.

Updating data in PostgreSQL via UPDATE query and WHERE filter
Updating data in PostgreSQL via UPDATE query and WHERE filter

3. Lastly, run the DELETE FROM query below to remove/delete data for a specific row.

WHERE id = 2;

If the process was successful, you should get an output DELETE 1. While unsuccessful operation will show you an output DELETE 0.

Deleting data in PostgreSQL
Deleting data in PostgreSQL

Uninstalling PostgreSQL from FreeBSD

If you want to remove/uninstall PostgreSQL, follow these actions:

1. Before removing PostgreSQL, run the command below to stop and disable the postgresql service.

service postgresql stop
sysrc -x postgresql_enable

2. Now remove/uninstall PostgreSQL using the following pkg command.

pkg delete postgresql16-server postgresql16-client postgresql16-contrib
pkg autoremove


In this guide, you installed a PostgreSQL database server on FreeBSD 14 and enabled password authentication for PostgreSQL. Moreover, you have configured a password for the default postgres user.

In addition to that, you also learned the basic operations in PostgreSQL for creating users, databases, and tables. Also some basic PostgreSQL queries for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations.

With the PostgreSQL installed, you can now develop or deploy your applications. You can use PHP, Java, or Node.js to develop applications alongside the PostgreSQL server.

System administrator and devops enthusiast, leveraging over 10+ years of Linux expertise to optimize operations. Proficient in FreeBSD, VMWare, KVM, Proxmox, PfSense, Ansible, Docker, and Kubernetes.

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